Diplomatic Dilemma: Why Joe Biden Faces the Julian Assange Problem

The article, titled “Diplomatic Dilemma: Why Joe Biden Faces the Julian Assange Problem,” explores the challenging predicament that U.S. President Joe Biden is currently facing regarding the fate of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. As the British authorities contemplate whether to extradite Assange to the U.S. to face charges, the future of Assange may ultimately rely on diplomatic negotiations between Australia and the U.S. The article provides insights into a recent briefing attended by lawyers and media executives regarding Assange’s case, shedding light on the evolving nature of the issue. It examines the debate surrounding press freedom, U.S. national security, and the intersection of foreign policy considerations. The article also highlights the Australian government’s involvement and the potential impact of the Assange case on the U.S.-Australia alliance. With an upcoming state dinner hosted by President Biden, the Assange issue is poised to take center stage during Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s visit to the U.S.

Diplomatic Dilemma: Why Joe Biden Faces the Julian Assange Problem

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The ongoing legal battle surrounding Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has put President Joe Biden in a diplomatic dilemma. Assange, who is currently being held in a London prison, is facing an extradition order to the United States on charges of hacking and espionage. This article will explore the various aspects of Assange’s case and its implications for foreign policy, Australian lawmakers’ involvement, the stance of the US intelligence community, and the possibility of a plea deal for Assange.

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Assange’s ongoing legal battle

Assange’s legal battle began with an extradition order from the United States and charges related to hacking and espionage. The British authorities are currently deliberating on whether to comply with the extradition request. In the meantime, Assange remains imprisoned in London.

Assange’s case as a matter of foreign policy

The narrative surrounding Assange’s case has shifted from a focus on press freedom to a matter of foreign policy. This shift has significant implications for the relationship between the United States and Australia, as Assange is an Australian citizen. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has expressed concerns about Assange’s prolonged detention and has called for his release. The Assange issue is expected to be on the agenda during Albanese’s upcoming visit to the US.

Australian lawmakers’ involvement

In an effort to advocate for Assange’s release, a group of 64 Australian lawmakers took out a full-page ad in the Washington Post. However, their request for a meeting with the newspaper’s editorial board was refused. Australian lawmakers have been actively involved in trying to change the Washington Post’s view on Assange, hoping to garner more support for his cause.

The Washington Post’s refusal

Despite the efforts of Australian lawmakers, the Washington Post has refused to meet with the delegation advocating for Assange’s release. The board’s decision not to engage with the group highlights the challenges faced by Assange and his supporters in their attempt to secure his freedom through traditional diplomatic means.

Assange’s case as a diplomatic dispute

Assange’s case has evolved into a diplomatic dispute between the United States and Australia. The US government’s pursuit of Assange and Australia’s support for his release have created tension between the two allies. This issue is expected to be a sensitive topic during Prime Minister Albanese’s visit to the US, as it puts President Biden in a difficult position of either refusing a request from a key ally or risking the anger of the US intelligence community.

Assange’s case and the US-China relation

Assange’s case has broader implications for the US-China relationship. Australia’s support for Assange raises concerns about the AUKUS agreement, an alliance between the US, the UK, and Australia aimed at countering China’s influence in the Pacific. The US intelligence community views Assange as a fugitive Russian asset and believes that his disclosures have played a key role in the Russian influence campaign during the 2016 US election. These factors further complicate the diplomatic landscape surrounding Assange’s case.

The US intelligence community’s stance

The US intelligence community considers Assange to be a significant threat and alleges that he is a front for a hostile non-state intelligence service. The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that WikiLeaks actively sought and played a key role in the Russian influence campaign during the 2016 US election. Additionally, the Vault 7 leaks, which exposed the C.I.A.’s hacking tools, have raised concerns about Assange’s willingness to publish confidential information. These factors contribute to the intelligence community’s strong opposition to Assange.

Assange’s impact on journalism

Assange’s case has sparked debates about the limits of journalism and the role of journalists in handling classified information. While some argue that Assange’s actions were necessary to expose wrongdoing by institutions, others believe that he crossed ethical boundaries by assisting in hacking activities. The implications of Assange’s case extend beyond his specific legal situation and have implications for journalism as a whole.

US Ambassador’s suggestion of a resolution

US Ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, has suggested that there could be a resolution to Assange’s case. She acknowledges that the ultimate decision lies with the Justice Department but believes that a plea deal could be a possible outcome. A plea deal could involve Assange pleading guilty to the hacking charge in exchange for the government dropping the 17 Espionage Act charges. This potential resolution raises questions about Assange’s health and the risk of suicide, as well as the alternative options between release and life imprisonment.

Possible plea deal for Assange

Given the concerns about Assange’s health and the risk of suicide, a plea deal may be considered as a possible resolution to his case. Such a deal could involve Assange pleading guilty to the hacking charge while the government drops the more severe Espionage Act charges. This outcome would likely result in Assange’s release based on time already served or his remand to the custody of the Australian authorities. However, the final decision rests with the Justice Department and will need to consider the complexities of Assange’s case.

In conclusion, the extradition battle surrounding Julian Assange presents a diplomatic dilemma for President Joe Biden. The case has shifted from a press freedom issue to a matter of foreign policy, with implications for US-Australia relations and its impact on the US-China relationship. The stance of the US intelligence community further complicates the situation. The possibility of a plea deal raises questions about alternatives to release or life imprisonment for Assange. As the legal proceedings continue, the resolution of Assange’s case ultimately rests with the Justice Department.

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